On Saturday, January 24, we attended the 1st annual Krawlfest at the Market at Rotors, Rudders and Wheels in Belleview FL. This was a G6 style event, with approximately 130 gates. The course was broken down into 4 sections, A, B, C, and D. Starting with A, each section grew progressively more difficult. This was […]
Posts Tagged ‘trail finder 2’

Complete Mojave Body Set for Trail Finder 2

RC4WD sent us this product announcement. It looks like the Mojave body is now available by itself. Complete Mojave Body Set for Trail Finder 2 in both Yellow and White. Specification: Injection Molded Plastic Yellow or White Color Highly Detailed Drop Bed Comes with both full rear cab, or half portion Clear Lexan Window Dash […]