On Saturday, January 24, we attended the 1st annual Krawlfest at the Market at Rotors, Rudders and Wheels in Belleview FL. This was a G6 style event, with approximately 130 gates. The course was broken down into 4 sections, A, B, C, and D. Starting with A, each section grew progressively more difficult. This was because the Krawlfest course was setup on the 1:1 crawling course at the Market at Marion. We worked from the basic trails through to the most extreme rocks they had. It was a very challenging, and very fun course.
Before we started the run, everyone registered at the shop, and we got ready for the Show and Shine. The fellas from GCM Racing made the trip all the way from Canada, with their uber scale Blazers.
The detail in this thing was AMAZING.
GCM makes a transfer case that allows you to relocate your motor and transmission closer to the front of the chassis. This allows you to but in a full 3D interior for that added scale realism.
Scalerfab.com was there with their scale bumpers and accessories. Scalerfab has their new G6/Deadbolt bumper on display, with the rest of their line.
Kha Ly was representing Poison Spyder. He was a part of the competition as well.
The folks from the Carolina Crawlers made the trip once again.
If you are looking for screw kits, checkout KNK Hardware. They were down from Ohio checking out what RRW had to offer. Thanks for making the trip guys!
RRW has some nice covered pit space if you need it.
The Tampa Bay RC Club made a good showing as well.
It was time to line up for the Show and Shine. There were a lot of really nice rigs out there.
Pretty good showing for the 1st Krawlfest.
The most unique winch controller I have ever seen.
They broke us into 4 groups, each group starting on one of the 4 sections.
It was about a half mile walk back to the first gate from the starting line.
Here we go…first gate in Section C
This log proved tougher than it looked.[youtube]http://youtu.be/bESD7p4-pUI[/youtube]
There was no “Hand of God”, meaning you could not flip your truck back over with your hand. You had to either use a winch if you had one, or get one of the guys running with you to use a tow strap and get you righted.
Troy of Scalerfab.com waiting for the traffic jam to clear up
This is Kha’s rig. Pretty sweet truck.
This gate was kinda tough, and proved to be one of the times we would work as a team to get through. By the time we got to it, the mud under the water line had been dug away, making it too big a climb for most trucks. We would hook up tow ropes to the first truck into the pipe, and continue hooking up trucks in chains of 3 and 4 to pull each other up and into the pipe.
There was this one root in the ditch that seemed to catch a lot of the Jeeps with roll cages.
A feature of the 1:1 course, the Tree of Shame.
Hitting section D, the rocks got a little bigger.
This section featured rows of full sized tires, with concrete slabs in between. On a 1.9 truck, this was fairly impossible to traverse without a winch or help from other trucks. We hooked up several trucks in a row with tow straps, and pulled each other through it.
These tires were pretty hard. Without help, none of us would have made it through. After we spent 45 minutes traversing this 50 foot section, the Yeti’s came up behind us and completed it in 45 seconds.
We caught up with the boys from GCM Racing and their Blazers. They weren’t afraid to get them dirty.
Matt Dexter would play a major role in getting us through the next section.
This section was extremely tough. Matt would pull us all up with his winch. Without his help we were toast. Thanks Matt!
It at this point we would go back and hit sections A and B.
These sections were much easier, and more casual trail riding.
When we got back to the registration table, we were waiting for everyone to finish. This is dedication. Here we have a broken truck that was towed back so that he could say he completed the G6.
There were a TON of giveaways. Thank you to all the sponsors!!
Our winners!
1.9″ Class winner was Beau Rushing. Unfortunately he had not stuck around to get his picture with the trophy.
The winner of the 2.2″ Class was Corey Smith
Winner of the Drivin’ Diva’s class was Amanda Matthews!
Davin Kirby won the Young Gun award.
There was also a mud bog and sled pull competition.
Here is the winning Mud Bog – Dustin Mitch! Don’t blink!
The winning sled pull was Todd Knopp
I don’t have video of the winning pull, but here’s a cool example.
I want to thank RRW for putting on a great event! Thanks once again to all of the Sponsors!!!
Axial Racing
Pro-line Racing
GCM Racing
Gearhead RC
Pitbull tires
Team KNK
SK Motion
BGR Fabrications
Mad Dog RC
Holmes Hobbies
Werty Made
[…] Re: Krawlfest @ RRW – Jan 24/25th! Solid writeup from RCsoup! 1ST ANNUAL KRAWLFEST AT THE MARKET | RC Soup […]
Nicely done! Great to see you there!