Axial SCX10 Trail Honcho Kit review

So how is it to drive? Well, there was very little this truck couldn’t do. I even scaled a set of stairs with it. You have to learn to approach obstacles at the correct angle. If you try to hit something head on, the bumper has a tendency to get in the way.

You have to approach at an angle, then cut the tires into the obstacle so they grip. Because of the design of the truck, there is a lot of weight over the front tires, right where you want it in a truck like this. With that much weight up front, it is less likely that you will roll over backwards while attempting to scale an obstacle.

Driving the truck on the trail was a fun experience. Over normal obstacles, there was no issue. The four wheel drive is fully locked on all four wheels, so all 4 tires just keep pulling. There is a downside to having all four wheels locked in. The truck doesn’t like to steer. It takes about 5 feet to turn a full circle. There is no way to unlock the wheels.

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