Pit Gear items are great ideas to give for the holidays, as they are often the most overlooked. The stuff that is amazingly handy, but never really calls to your budget like that new shiny carbon fiber or aluminum part for your car. Properly organized work equipment and accessories are often the ones you tend […]
Posts Tagged ‘Tekin’

RC Soup Holiday Gift Guide: Electronics

This category is for electronics. That means anything electronic for radio control that doesn’t fit in another category we already have. It’s a catch-all for some of our top picks of motors, servos, and other misc goodies. As with all of them, this page is organized by budget. Economy Gifts Atomik Glitch Buster ($6.99) – […]

Team Durango DEX408 Review

We built this Team Durango DEX408 a few months back. It was a great build, and we couldn’t wait to get it on the track. And that, as they say, is where the story begins…. We had some electronics issues out of the gate that delayed us getting this car on the track. On initial […]

Soup Days of Summer – The Pimp My Pits Finale!! (Contest Ended- Winner Announced)

To celebrate summer, and thank our readers for their loyalty, for the last 5 weeks we have brought you the Soup Days of Summer Giveaway! We brought in some awesome companies to help us give back to you, our readers! Sponsors for the Pimp My Pits Finale include (in no particular order): Venom CowRC MaxAmps […]

Soup Days of Summer Week 5 (Closed – Winners Announced)

Welcome to Week 5 of the Soup Days of Summer Giveaway. It’s the final week before the Pimp My Pits finale!! The featured prize this week is a Gift Certificate from Pemberton Raceworks! It is for 50% off MSRP for one of their oval car kits. Do the math folks, that’s potentially a $200 or […]

Soup Days of Summer Week 4 (Closed – Winners Announced)

Welcome to Week 4 of the Soup Days of Summer Giveaway. It’s electronics week! Well sorta, we have a lot of great electronics companies sponsoring this week! The featured prize this week is the a Mamba Max Pro ESC from Castle Creations! WINNER!: Dalton Whetzel from Harrisonburg, Virginia For runner up prizes this week […]

Soup Days of Summer Week 3 (Closed – Winners Announced)

Welcome to Week 3 of the Soup Days of Summer Giveaway. We’re still going strong! More prizes this week than last week! The featured prize this week is the WMD 2WD Slash LCG Conversion chassis we tested in the 2WD Slash LCG Chassis Shootout! If you go back and read that article, notice it’s […]

Soup Days of Summer Week 2 (Closed – Winners Announced)

Welcome to Week 2 of the Soup Days of Summer Giveaway. We’re still going strong! The featured prize this week is an Axial SCX10 BlackOut kit from AJS Machine! The winner is Shane Tadlock from Metairie, LA The kit will include your choice of: 1x AJS3001B Hitch Black or AJS3003B Rear Bumper Mount […]

RC Soup Presents Soup Days of Summer Giveaway

Who doesn’t love a giveaway? To celebrate summer, and thank our readers for their loyalty, we are delighted to announce the Soup Days of Summer Giveaway! We brought in some awesome companies to help us give back to you, our readers! Sponsors include (in no particular order): Atomik RC Venom CowRC MaxAmps AJS Machine Associated […]

Tekin RS GEN2 Series Brushless ESC

The RS GEN2 brushless speed control is the next generation in intelligent operating motor drive technology. Continuing the proven award-winning legacy of the RS family, the GEN2 is fitted with today’s state of the art components. The RS GEN2 delivers what racers require; reliability, precise control and unmatched power handling capability. Packed with new […]